PMP and CAPM Exam Prep Simplified!

BrainBOK - PMP and CAPM Online Training and Sample Exams

  Passed PMP Exam: Nitin's Success Story

Nitin Maheshwari passed his PMP exam recently and shared this story for the PMP aspirants following him:



Now its my turn to Thank you all for your support in my PMP journey. I have successfully completed PMP certification & It is really an awesome feeling to be a PMP. The most useful point which I learnt is that PMP is a mind set not an exam & it is very well applicable to our day to day life.

Books referred: -

  • Rita

  • Head First - Only for chapter end tests

Online exams referred: -
  • Bootcamp

  • PM Success

  • Head First - 200 qs

  • Oliver Lehmann - 75qs

  • Oliver Lehmann- 175qs

  • PMStudy

  • Simplilearn

  • Rita Fast Track

Brief about my study plan: -

  1. PMBOK - Although not easy to grasp in first go. But still it is must that we start our study with this book beacuse it sets our boundaries that what we are supposed to read from the other reference books.

  2. Rita - Studied in detail. Did all the chapter end test.

  3. Again went back to PMBOK & now the entire framework started looking meaningful. Simulteneously made my notes to refer before the exam day.

  4. Combine study of both PMBOK & Rita.

  5. Started doing the prectice tests. My approach was to take the easier tests (Bootcamp, PM Success etc.) first to build up some confidence & then target the complex ones (Rita, Oliver Lehmann etc).

  6. Attempted 3 full length tests to make myself comfortable for that 4hr marathon.

  7. In all the practice tests full lengths as well as chapter end tests I was scoring between 78 to 85 %.

Before the exam day: -
  • Revised my notes, ITTOs, PMBOK Page # 43 table & then had a good sleep.

On the exam day: -
  • I reached the exam center somewhere abt 1Hr before. The exam cordinator asked if I want to start the exam now. I thought its a good idea & said yes. During the 15 min tutorial I wrote down the Page# 43 table of PMBOK & some useful formulas. I just used 10 mins of tutorial & clicked on the exam start button. Initially the Exam was looking too hard & giving me feeling that I am not going to crack it. So I convinced myself to just go up to atleast 50 questions & then I will think about it. Luckily by the 50th question I was very much comfortable & full in confidence. During these 4hr I took 2 breaks & then finished the entire exam.

My suggestions: -
  1. Start preparing for PMP by PMBOK & restrict yourself for PMBOK & one other reference book. Not much books.

  2. Try as many practice tests as you can. But always check that they shoudl be referring to PMBOK-4 not to PMBOK-3.

  3. Don't underestimate the physical aspect of exam. So at least 2 full length exam (200 questions) is must.

  4. In terms of ITTOs I should say that try to remember & understand them. Whatever is applicable to individual. ITTOs should be very much clear in terms like which one will be useful in what situation & in which Process. In my case I can say that there were so many questions on ITTO directly or indirectly. So remembering them with thoruogh application of these helped me a lot.

  5. Religiously follow the Blog Deep Fried Brain. Thanks to Harwinder for providing so much useful information at no cost. I want to pass on a BIG THANKS to Harwinder as he is truely giving back to the entire PM Community.

Last but not least KEEP FAITH in onself & go ahead.

My best wishes to all the PMP aspirants.

Thanks & Regards,

Nitin Kumar Maheshwari, PMP


1 comment:

  1. Congrats buddy. Do you think the questions on the actual exam are easy/difficlt as compared to Rita's chapter end questions? Or what level of sample questions does the PMP questions come closes to?



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