Functional vs Matrix vs Projectized Orgizational Structures
Recently, I came across an old discussion from 2007 in which Andrew Stellman, author of Head First PMP , beautifully explains the difference...
Organizational Structure
Study Notes
How to Neutralize Negative Project Stakeholders?
Here are some practical tips on neutralizing negative stakeholders and turning them into allies that will not only help you for your PMP and...
Manage Stakeholder Expectations
Project Communication Management
Stakeholder Analysis
What are Kill Points in Project Management?
What are Kill Points in project management? Here is a good article from project management author Joseph Phillips that explains what Kill Po...
Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
Difference between Known and Unknown Risks
What is the difference between known and unknown risks? What are Known Unknowns and Unknown Unknowns? Here's an interesting discussion o...
Project Risk Management