PMP and CAPM Exam Prep Simplified!

BrainBOK - PMP and CAPM Online Training and Sample Exams

  Pairwise Chart

Recently, I attended a Risk Management Seminar in which I learned about Pairwise Charts, and their use.

Here's a short and sweet article that explains what Pairwise Chart is and what it is used for, with the help of a simple example:
Pairwise Chart

1 comment:

  1. Hardwise,

    You have a robust and well structured website - blog. Impressive!

    Thank you very much for the reference to our Pairwise Chart description.

    It's something I've actually used a good amount in my consulting practice for vendor selection criteria (feature tradeoffs).

    Our goal is to explain key PMBOK, BABOK, Six Sigma and IT compliance topics in plain, simple language. It's not to replace those but hopefully illuminate them.

    David Kohrell - TAPUniversity


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